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Sample card set includes 8 BrainPrimers.


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Choose from 4 decks with a unique focus
or purchase the complete set.

About BrainPrimers

BrainPrimers™ are physical activity decks designed to engage students’ attention, memory, self-control, cognitive flexibility, self-regulation, and social interaction through fun physical movements. These mindful, beat-based activities were developed by Dr. Lynne Kenney and Mike Kuczala and will enliven your classroom or learning setting. We hope you enjoy these sample cards and are looking forward to sharing the full decks with you soon!

BrainPrimers will help your students by:

  • Enlivening neural connections and networks involved in attention and memory
  • Engaging executive function skills such as attention, memory, cognitive flexibility and self-control
  • Moving in coordinative rhythmic beat-based patterns that require thought, planning, sequencing, working memory, cognitive flexibility, response inhibition, and creativity
  • Celebrating the individuality and creativity of your students
  • Creating a learning environment that is emotionally safe, builds community, and a fun place to learn